April 29, 2007

The friendster+superficiality+perfection+image effect

I'm procrastinating right now.

I'm supposed to be doing all of my assignments, but I got bored and I started surfing the net and I ended up at everyone's favourite cam-whoring and self-promoting site, Friendster. I peeked a look at my friends' pages, and I realised that we've all (myself included) been sucked into this Friendster phenomenon where almost all of the pictures we post are pictures that we posed for, be it in a cute pose, emo pose, sexy pose or whatever, but we still strike poses. Take myself, as an example. These are some of my pictures on Friendster:

I'm ashamed to say this, but I edited the first photo to make it look prettier. And even the second photo was not a candid one, because we betulkan our hair first and stuff before taking the picture. I realised that on Friendster, perfection is everything. If you want people to look at your profile, put up a superimposed picture of yourself, such as my first picture, where people will actually look at you and think that you're attractive, because I am not attractive. Hahahaha. Superficiality+perfection rules when you're online. Seriously.

Oh yeah, and I realised that I can never post up candid pictures such as these on Friendster...

...because people will just think that I'm weird. As if I'm not weird enough.

I've realised that nowadays, image is everything. I remembered in school, where they don't care about what we do, as long as the school's image is not tarnished. And we can't do bad things because it will affect our parents' good image, or worse, our grandparents image. We have to study hard because if we get straight A's, parents will look good in everyone's eyes. Like I said, everything is about image. So if you have a bad image, you're screwed.

Oh yeah, going back to Friendster, I wonder what people will think if I post up this picture:

It is very interesting, is it not? ;)

April 16, 2007

I know I've been neglecting this blog, (Sorry bloggie!) but the assignments soooooo stressed me out. I even have like zits popping up on my face, and I am not a zit person.

I freak out if there's a zit on my face and now there are like three! Arggghhhhh!

Sorry, bimbo moment. But I do have zits! I even have one in my ear! Yep, my EAR! Goddammit. Grrr. My dad laughed when he saw the zit. That so didn't help! But after that he gave me antibiotics for it. Imagine that. Antibiotics for a zit in the ear.

I had a one-week break last week and it felt so good to be able to wake up late! It was soooo hard to wake up this morning and the prospect of driving to uni was really unappealing. But well, I got over the Monday blues and managed to drive all the way to Sunway....yay me!

I did quite well for my Business Stats assignment, but I think I managed to screw up everything else. ;( I really don't like assignments. They're damn stressing.

I've started on my 2nd Econs assignment already because I'm scared that if I procrastinate again, I might end up going nuts. I have 3 weeks to do all the assignments because the due dates for the assignments are on the first week of May. And for my second Management assignment, I have to write a 2500-word report. Did I mention that I HATE, LOATHE and DESPISE Management? I think that about summed it up perfectly.

And oh yeah, exams are in June. Whoopee.

Oh yeah, I'm 19 now! I feel old..................

And my blog is one years old now. Happy birthday, baby! :D

April 3, 2007

I'm turning 19 tomorrow, but the last thing on my mind is on my birthday because I still have not finished my Accounting Assignment...bleargh! I'm so tired!

But I already had 3 advance birthday wishes! I'm so happy! ^__^

Now, I've got to go back to work! 0_o


April 1, 2007


Assignments. They make me feel:


Urgh. i hate assignments. I especially hate management assignments. I've been having blood-shot eyes for the past week. And I still have my Accounts assignment to pass up on wednesday! My birthday!!!! No bloody respite.

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