October 22, 2008


My current favourite song:

Lady Gaga - Poker Face

I love this performance! And I listen to the song like 10 times a day. Kesian my siblings. I annoy them to no end. Especially now, when exams are near. I go up to them and sing "Po-po-po-po-poker face-po-po-poker face" to their faces when I'm stressed. LOL.

Just wanted to share! =)

October 16, 2008

What people have said about me these past few weeks:

- Liyana said that apparently when I'm stressed, the strawberry mark on my forehead will become red, so it kinda looks like i have a red gash down my forehead. She said it kinda reminds her of Ultraman -_-

- From another friend of mine, apparently my clothes are too sexy. Hmph.

- Most of the adults I've seen say that they can't believe that I've grown up. Yeah, i know how they feel. *sigh*

- Apparently I have a sweet singing voice. LOL. Thank you =). At least it's not only my car who loves my singing.

And what I found out about myself:

- apparently I can learn better when under pressure. -_- Aiyo. I think i might die of stress if that's the only way i can force myself to learn.

- i cant study for 12 hours a day. My brain will shut down.

If anyone has been in my car, they will know that I tend to change the channels on the radio until I find a song that I like, or at least a song that's bearable. So anyways, when I turned Lite FM on, I heard the song from the movie Grease called You're The One That I Want. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE the song. It's all my dad's fault. All my siblings know the songs from Grease. Frankly though, I think Hopelessly Devoted To You is such a depressing song. -_-

So, anyways, while I was studying last night, I was also Youtubing (i know it's not a real word....yet!) and I looked at some of the songs that I really love from musicals, so basically I was singing along to these songs last night while studying:

Grease - You're The One That I want

Phantom of The Opera - Point Of No Return


Cats - Memory

Yeah, I know they're quite generic songs, but they're my stress buster!

Sing-along too, people!

Okay, back to studying. Urgh. Toodles!

October 8, 2008


This is gonna be a really short post.

No, I have not disappeared of the face of the world, but I do have to take time off blogging for a while.

I am soooo busy this month, it's not even funny anymore. I have one assignment due at the end of this week, and after crossing out the dates on my calendar, i realise that I have 19 days until my first paper, so I think I'm going to take a break from blogging until then. :(

Raya was quite okay la, but not very meriah to me this year. I didnt have that raya feeling until I went to buy my baju raya. Gosh, is there something wrong with me?

Oh, before I go, my favourite raya pic:

Perfectly describes my family. My dad behind the camera, my mum making sure Zara looks presentable, Iskandar telling some story, me staring into space, Anis making sure she looks okay, Wani posing vainly and Dina looking like she couldnt care less with anything.

Yep, this is my family. LOL. How random are we?

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