October 17, 2010

Just Cause We're Young, Please Don't Think We're Dumb.

This is where we had the survey last weekend, the PPR Seri Semarak. It was just 2 km away from my house, but it felt like I was stepping into a different world. Will get pictures of us in action at the survey from my senior and post some up later. =)

Just like the weekend before, we were lucky to have people help us organize the survey. While in Kampung Medan we had people from the mamak stall help us, here we have the manager of an old folks' home lending us the void deck (picture above) as our centre for conducting the survey. It's amazing that these people just so willingly lent us a helping hand and provided us with chairs and tables and stuff so that we would be comfortable. Small details like that can definitely make a lot of difference.

This place is definitely a step up from the Kampung Medan. The environment was better, and it doesn't feel as claustrophobic this time around.

In the span of three hours, I had to sit down with 3 people and read out each question to them and explain what some questions mean. Mind you, we had close to 90 questions, and I had to read ONE BY ONE to all of them.

Imagine reading out questions like this in Malay three times over:

"Saya percaya bahawa terdapat pernguatkuasaan undang-undang dan peraturan yang secukupnya untuk memastikan kebolehpercayaan pembekal/penjual internet"

And explaining to them what this mean, when they don't have a single clue on how the internet works.

(Oh, by the way, the English version of the question is: "I believe there is adequate enforcement of law and regulation to ensure the credibility of the Internet providers/sellers")

What I remember most was doing the survey with this one uncle, who was disabled and was walking with crutches, told me that in his household, there are 8 people and he's the only one working. He's earning around RM1,000 and he has to support his wife, kids and father-in-law.

He's interested in learning about computers and laptops, but he can't afford and he's illiterate. But he signed up his children for computer training and told me that he thinks that having a computer and internet would be very useful.

Being there, you can't help but just feel so sad for these people who are not exposed to these things that we take for granted simply because they can't afford them.

And it pissed me off even further when I read the Budget 2011 highlights and found out that they're allocating RM5 BILLION to build a 100-storey tower that's supposed to be the tallest in Malaysia.


(Hehe, Two Towers. Macam Lord of the Rings pulak. Lol.)

I seriously do not see the point of building another skyscraper. And RM5b = RM 50m per floor. WHY?????????????

Even if one-fifth of the money was channelled into investing in training the poor in ICT/reduce the cost of owning a computer for the poor, their quality of life would be so much better and eventually they will be able to find better jobs. It's definitely a better long-term investment.

Se-too-peed people at the top of the pyramid.

I bet they've never seen first-hand how it's like for this people, living on a meagre salary in an area where the cost of living seem to be increasing day by day.

It makes me so angry!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

And then today I read THIS article on how the Government should not be ignoring the views of the young, and I think the whole article absolutely defines the mentality of my generations. This paragraph in particular I can totally relate to:

"Politics for politics sake does not interest them, but politics as a means to achieve something, usually idealistic, or to champion a cause is okay."

Politics for the sake of politics is so passe.

If I were to vote, I want to know that this person I'm voting for would be championing a cause that would benefit the society as a whole.

And as much as I hate politics, I know that it is inevitable for me to sooner or later use the voting power that I have to help change this country.

Like the title post states, just cause we're young, please don't think we're dumb.

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