April 19, 2008

Cupcakes, a fever and a movie

May Lee gave me these cupcakes today! Aren't they the cutest???

They're yummyyyyyyyyyyyy! Thanks a bunch, May Lee! *grins widely*

Dah la I was still craving for cupcakes since the other day.

I actually planned to drop by at Cuppacakes on my way to Monash yesterday to get some cupcakes.

But that didn't happen because I got sick on Thursday.

And I spent the whole of Thursday and yesterday in bed because I was sniffling and coughing and my temperature was spiking up.

But luckily it wasn't as bad like
when I got sick last December.

My voice is still a bit weird though today. Haha. Very nasally.

And so I have not studied for the past three days because of my fever.

Shit. I'm worried, but I just can't study. -_-'

Oh, I watched Ever After a few days ago on HBO. Anis and I squealed when we found out it was on because it's been AGESSSSSSSSSSS since we've watched it.

And I can't believe how I didn't notice Drew Barrymore's fake British accent when I was younger. Listening to her speaking was the one thing that made me cringe the entire movie because I don't think she can pull the accent off.

Oh, and there were these lines that Prince Henry says in the movie that really made me think.

Prince Henry: Do you really think there is only one perfect mate?
Leonardo da Vinci: As a matter of fact, I do.
Prince Henry: Well then how can you be certain to find them? And if you do find them, I mean really the one for you, or do you only think they are, then what happens if the person you're supposed to be with never appears, or she does but you're too distracted to notice?
Leonardo da Vinci: You learn to pay attention.
Prince Henry: And let's say... God puts 2 people on earth and they are lucky enough to find one another, but one of them gets hit by lightening, well then what, is that it? Or perchance you meet someone new and marry all over again, is that the lady you're supposed to be with, or was it the first? And if so, when the 2 of them are walking side by side, were they both the one for you and you just happened to meet the first one first, or was the second one supposed to be first? And is everything chance? Or are some things meant to be?
Leonardo da Vinci: You cannot leave everything to fate boy. She's got a lot to do, sometimes you must give her a hand.

What Prince Henry said kinda makes you think, doesn't it? It makes you wonder about your soulmate...and as much as I want to believe that there is one guy out there for me, I still think that I would end up being a spinster with 69 cats (like what I told Ine). Hahaha.

I'm going to sleep soon. Still haven't fully recovered from the fever. :(


  1. alia x habes2 dgn 'angan2' nk jd spinster! LOL wats cuppacakes?
    never been to the shop b4. br bukak ke?

  2. I kena be prepared just in case! Hahahaha.

    Cuppacakes is a cafe that sells yummy cupcakes! Diorang bukak like a few days before you pegi hari tu.

    Last time you have to order the cupcakes from them.

    I have the link to their website on my blog if I'm not mistaken.



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