July 15, 2010


My last ever results from Monash.


And I am so thankful that I managed to accumulate 10 HD over the course of the three and a half years and for passing everything the first time around.

I'll miss you Monash. And I shall miss being a full-time student.

And I'm praying for the best for the next chapter in my life.


YAY SPAIN FOR WINNING THE WORLD CUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

And yay Cesc for setting up the goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't care if you came on as a substitute. And the fact that you actually went to talk to your Arsenal teammate instead of immediately celebrating the win is a very sporting thing to do. I knew there was a reason why I've liked you all these years!

(Asyraf Mokti, you're still number one in my heart. Don't worry k. Lol.)

I'm sorry I haven't been updating, but work's been quite hectic lately and I just couldn't find the time to update.

Sometimes I feel like I should just stop blogging, but I am DETERMINED to keep writing up in this blog, even later when I'm working permanently, just because I feel like writing on this blog is my form of catharsis.

Oh, I've actually taken the link to the blog off my fb page. One reason why I did it was because I felt like some people who rarely see me seem to think that they know so much about me because they read my blog, and I realise that I feel a bit exposed and uncomfortable for being in that situation. Yeah, I'm still very shy. Hahahaha.

Oh yeah, while we're on the subject of facebook, I realised that there have been something that has been nagging me lately when I'm on fb. One thing that really annoy me is when all these people who usually do not watch football are now suddenly the BIGGEST football fans ever just because it's the World Cup. And every status update will be on football. It's a bit irritating sometimes when I look at my News Feed cause I know half of these people won't care much about football once the World Cup is over. I think it's kinda ironic that I'm irritated by that considering I only started watching football seriously after the last World Cup. Lol.

Another pet peeve I have when it comes to fb are the friend requests that I get. I don't know why I still get friend requests from strangers, who usually are men with whom I have no mutual friends. I wonder how these people can just randomly add me up. I do not add strangers up on fb.

In fact, I don't care if I have less than 300 friends cause in the end I only talk to like less than 10% of my "friends" on fb anyways. Lol.

One other thing that pisses me off is when somebody adds me up and I see that we have a lot of mutual friends, but when I go to their profile, their profile picture is of something other than their faces.

And another thing that irritates me is when some of these people don't put up their real names and expect me to autimatically know who they are. Aiyo. Seriously la. I'm not a mind reader okay. If you don't look the same like you did last time and you don't put your real name on fb, how do you actually expect me to recognise you?

By the way, I'm leaving for the UK trip with my family in two days' time! I'm excited to go back to visit my birthplace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and I'll be spending 4 days in Newcastle to "rediscover" my inner Geordie! (Perasan gila! Lol.)

After all these years of my parents saying "One day, when we go to the UK, we have to go do/see this and that......", we're actually going to the UK as one big family. Amazing.

I can't wait! =)

But in those two weeks I'll be gone, I'm going to be missing my boyfriend and my friends. And I can't believe that I'll be missing THREE of my closest friends' birthday while I'm in the UK. Haih. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.

PS: Results coming out today! I'm a bit scared right now. But I think it'll be okay. I hope!

PPS: I actually wrote this post yesterday, but I couldn't publish it and I thought I lost most of the blog post cause I couldn't retrieve the post, but thankfully I didn't lose much of the post. Thank God.

PPPS: I just remembered that I have some picture posts that I might put up before I go off. =)

July 1, 2010

Work, work, work. =)

I'm writing this post while I'm working. LOL.

I just got a pay raise for my RA work (which I've continued after the exams) last week and I'm so happy!!! I can't tell you how much though, but some people already know how much I'm getting (yes, I know you guys think it's unfair. Sorry!). Lol.

What happened was last week I went to my lecturer, and she asked me "How much are you getting paid?" And when i told her she was like "Oh, we're paying this person this and this, so you should be getting that much too."

So yes, I AM SO THRILLED because now I'm getting more than last time, even though the work load is about the same. But I've been a bit busy this past week because I had to help out with the notes and exercises for the workshop.

Oh apparently it is now very obvious to people when I'm under stress or angry. Like yesterday, I was a bit stressed because I was trying to finish off the notes and pack the notes into files and whatnot. And then I saw my senior while I was running everywhere and he looked at me and said "Your forehead gets red when you're stressed, doesn't it? Don't stress la, you'll do fine." And then he laughed and pat my back. Stupid strawberry mark on the forehead. -___-

Today and tomorrow, my job is to facilitate my lecturer for a workshop that she's conducting. I have to be here at 8 in the morning and go back around 6 (which is a bit tiring), but I'm getting free breakfast, free mid-morning snacks, free lunch and free tea break for the next two days and I'm getting paid to just sit and listen to the lecture (which I have gone through in my second year, lol).

When I told Liyana about the pay raise and the workshop, she was a bit envious because she said that I was "gonna be paid to become smarter." Which is true, I guess. Hahaha.

But I have to start finding a permanent job, and I am so not looking forward to that right now because I still do not know what I want to do in the long run. Haih.

Oh yeah. Wani is so happy about our upcoming UK trip that everyday she'll come to me and say "Kakya, 19 more days" or how many more days to our UK trip, so I know for a fact that we'll be leaving for UK in 16 days from today. LOL.

Oh yeah, while we're on the subjects of my siblings, Zara came up to me yesterday so excitedly and said "Kakya, for my Mini Sukan at school I'm gonna be picking up the trash!!!"

And I'm like, "Ermmmmmmmmm, that's good?"

Picking up trash. And she's excited. Hmmm. Oh well.

Okiedokes. Better get back to listening now. Later!


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