November 12, 2006

To be a Malaysian....

When people take a look at my IC, the first thing that they ask is "How come the number for your place of birth is 87 ah?" because had I been born in the Malaysia, the number for my place of birth would be between 01 and 14 or something like that. So when I say I was born in England, people would look at me one kind, as if suddenly, out of the blue, I am a foreigner and not a Malaysian. Hmph. And then they will start asking all these questions about how England was like and yada yada yada and I'm like, "Eh, hello, the last time I was in England was when I was 5 years old! I've spent more than two-thirds of my life here in Malaysia! I know more about Malaysia than I know about England, okay?"

So here I'm listing down things that makes me a true-blue Malaysian:

I like sambal belacan with most of my food
If I was given a choice, I would be doing everything at the last possible minute (Procrastination rules! haha!)
I've been trained to think that the more A's I score in an exam, the brighter my future would be
I've also been trained to think that Western goods are far superior than local goods
I follow the "Malaysian timing" where almost everyone is never on time for anything
Whenever I am late for anything, I would blame it on the traffic jam (which really is the case most of the time)
If I go overseas, I know the first thing I would miss is the food
When I talk, I'll always end up repeating what I say like "No, no"/"yeah la, yeah la"/ "Okay la, okay la"
I understand what "See first la how" and other Manglish phrases means
I have a love-hate relationship with taxi drivers
All my parents friends are "Aunty ---" and "Uncle ---" to me
I eat stuff like cow's tongue and cow's brain

Erm, I know there are some more proof of my Malaysianness, but I just can't think of any right now...aiya...

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