February 5, 2009

Sydney! =)

WARNING: Photo-filled post! Like seriously. There are more than 50 pictures. And it's a super-long post! So sorry! -_-

I'm sorry I've not blogged, but my lappie decided to mengada with me in Australia, so even when I uploaded pictures on Facebook, I had to use Ine's laptop. Went to the HP centre and found out that the motherboard rosak. -_- And after that was sorted out, suddenly the Streamyx went bonkers. And I got a small case of writer's block/laziness going on.

Anyways, my trip to Sydney was awesome!!!!!!!! =D

It was hot there, (like some days it was even 35 degrees!), but sometimes it can drop to like 20 degrees too. And it is soooo different from Malaysia. It was fun cause I've never been out of the country alone. The fact is, I've NEVER BEEN ANYWHERE ALONE. Huh. Talk about not being independent. Blargh.

So anyways, my flights are both direct flights and what was really cool about the flights was that the flight to and from Sydney were both not full (I think the flight back was only like 50% occupied?), so basically we could choose where we wanted to sit and I ended up having one row of seats to myself both times! Mwahahahahahaha. More comfortable than being stuck with other people, but still not very comfortable for sleeping in. I still had the armrest poking into my back. Bloody annoying. -___-

In Sydney i went to to all the places that you're supposed to go when you're there. The first time Ine took me around Sydney city, we went to see the Opera House and the Botanic Garden. Loved it! =)

Waiting for the bus! =)

One of the really nice buildings there. I want buildings like this in KL, too!

At the Botanic Garden.

The Opera House. =)

I think this is the Rocks. Not sure. LOL.

The strangest thing happened when I was at the Opera House. Ine and I were sitting down, waiting for the sunset, when suddenly Ine looked behind me and she kinda grinned. A split second later, this guy tapped me on my shoulders, put his arm around me, and said, "Smile for the camera!" I was so shocked cause I didn't see the guy since he came from behind me. Obviously I didn't smile. And after he took the picture, the dude went off and said, "Hey, you didn't smile!" I was just sitting there thinking, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?????" while Ine just sat in front of me and laughed her butt off. Apparently the locals do that a lot, going up to strangers and taking their pictures. Funny people.

And no surprise, I did loads of shopping there for my family, until I got excess baggage on the flight back!!!! -__-'

During one of my many shopping excursions. Note the number of bags that I have.

With my two lovely hostesses, Ine and Farizah! =)

During our many days going into the city, we went to places like the beach, which surprisingly did not have as many hot guys as I would like (I sound like a hormonal teenager, don't I? LOL). Wait, actually, when we were on our way to the beach, they were a few guys that were hot in the bus that we were in, but Ine and I were so disappointed to find out that they're gay. Boo. We also went up the Sydney Tower, and went around to the Wildlife Park. =)

The view of Sydney from the Sydney tower! =)

Bondi Beach! Looks beautiful, doesn't it?

Wildlife Park! =)

We also managed to squeeze in a trip to the Sydney Olympic Park to watch the Malaysian junior hockey team play against Australia in the Youth Olympics cause it just so happened that the team was staying where we were staying. They needed people to cheer them on, and it was a free ride for us & we've never been there, so it was basically like a win-win situation la! LOL.

Pre-match. OH, the Aussie players were HOT!!!! Young, but hottttttt!

The senior team was also there to cheer on the juniors. Some of them were hot, too. Hehehehehe.

The supporters-cum-freeloaders. Hahahaha.

I don't like my face in this particular picture, but there is something in this picture that I do like. I'm not telling what that is, though. Hehehe.

One of my favourite places that we went to was the Chinese Garden cause we got to try on the traditional Chinese costumes. And the place is pretty, too! =)

The pre-costume pictures. My mum called me a bumblebee in this black-and-pink top. -_-

These are the pictures of me & Ine in full costumes. She's the Empress, but I'm the Emperor's favourite concubine. LOL.

Attempting to look mobster-ish. Emphasise on the "attempt". -_-

The headdress is actually quite heavy. We didn't feel it much when we were wearing it, but when the uncle took the thing off, we were like, "Whoa, my head feels so much lighter!"

We also went outside of Sydney to the Blue Mountains, (where the view was breathtaking!) and to the Featherdale Wildlife Park.

Blue Mountains:

While waiting for the bus to Blue Mountains

Scenes from a small, quaint town called Leura up in Blue Mountains

And the Blue Mountains =)

Featherdale Park:

Another strange thing happened when we were going around Sydney city for the last time. We've decided to walk along the Harbour Bridge and go to the aquarium after the walk cause we already have tickets for the aquarium. So what happened was, after we've walked along the bridge, we ended up at this place called the Nurses Walk, while we were on our way to the aquarium. We were busy acting like tourists, looking around and taking pictures when suddenly this guy asked us whether we wanted to have a free makeover caused he was training one of his workers. So since Ine was like all excited and stuff, we decided to go for it.

We went into this guy's shop, and Ine had her face done first. While she had her face done, I looked around the place and got the shock of my life cause the whole place was full of NUDE PICTURES. Plus, it didn't help that the name of the place is SEDUCTIVE ART GALLERY. -_- I started fidgeting and I was having all these paranoia thoughts like "what would happen if this dude suddenly ask us to pose nude?" and the fact that the makeover was free kinda heigtened my suspicions about the place.

But in the end, I've got to admit that I was just being paranoid cause nothing bad happened. LOL. So Ine and I, in full make-up, still went to the aquarium. LOL. I felt like a China doll in the aquarium because of my made-up face and hair. But it was all for fun. I mean, when else can I go into an aquarium looking like I'm ready to go for a photoshoot. Hahaha. Plus, the guy that offered to do our makeovers thought we were backpackers, which is just awesome! =D

Walking along the Harbour Bridge

Me in front of the gallery where we will eventually get our makeovers.

Nurses' Walk =)

During makeover and post-makeover

The aquarium =)

And these are the pictures of when we were lepaking at the Darling Harbour, where we finished off our last day going around the city =)

So, that basically wraps up my Sydney post. If anyone were to ask me whether I'd like to go there again, I would say "yes" in a heartbeat. And right now, I'm kinda sad that I'll never be able to experience life as a student in a country other than my own. But oh well, at least I was able to experience travelling alone, without my family. LOL.

Do I envy my friends who are overseas? There's no denying it. But they also envy me for being near my family. Plus, I think my dad kinda felt guilty that I wasn't able to study in Australia, thus the Aussie trip. LOL. I guess there is a silver lining to everything. =)


  1. Thanks, KB! =) I bought some of them while I was there. =)

  2. Babe!! I baru bace this post!!! Really really really glad you enjoyed your trip here! Aww seronoknye bace balik ape yg kite buat mase you kat sini. Damn I miss you gile2 balik.

  3. weener, i know what you DID like in the picture you didnt quite like............. hehehehehhe ;)

    and ohhh that picture of you sitting bersila on the rock at the chinese garden......... pretty la! so peaceful :)

    and you girls look gorjuss in those traditional chinese wear :)

    aaaaaaaand penguins!!! <3<3<3 :D :D :D

    aww alia... pros and cons, definitely, to study in foreign lands... not just the msia thing, but also a matter of convenience and of course knowing that if sthg happens to you/family, you can easily go back home. :T

  4. Ine:
    Of course I enjoyed the trip! Apa la you ni! I miss you loads, too! December's pretty far away =(

    I know you know that I know that you know what I like in the picture. Hahahaha. Confused? Yeah, me too.

    I just realised that I rarely look peaceful in pictures. Hahaha.

    The penguins soooo comel kan????

    Yeah, I realised that it is nice to be staying at home, but I have never left home to study, EVER. And I will never experience that. Scary tau when you think about it.

  5. Wow, you've been to lot of places! Mesti seronok gila. xD



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