April 13, 2006


STEREOTYPE - Regarding someone as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.

First off, i want to say CONGRATS to my cousin & self-proclaimed my number 1 devoted reader, Tisha, for passing her test!:D I'm so happy for u! hehehe! n u actually take time to read my blog? thank u!

Today was such a boring day...I was busy in class the whole day and it is just sooooooooo tiring to listen to lectures and study all the time! :(:( So then, when Miss Tisha called me to help her a bit with her test she mentioned that there were some Malay, tudung-wearing girls shooting daggers at her and she got really scared by them, I realised that because she was not wearing the tudung and was more, how shall I say this, urbanised & westernised than those girls that to those girls, she falls into this category: EVIL RICH BITCH.

I pity her because she fell victim to the evil curse that is STEREOTYPING. But seriously, come on, which one of us do not stereotype people?
We do it all the time. Somewhere in the world, someone's judging someone else right now solely based on their appearance. It's human nature I guess, to stereotype people.I remembered talking with a friend back in school and I was like talking at the speed of light and she was just amazed! She was like, "the first time I saw you, I thought you were the quiet type...i didn't know you could talk so much!" and I was like thinking, hmmmm? Does everyone think of me that way? Some other cases of stereotyping that I noticed:

*If a girl likes to wear sexy clothes, they're a bimbo/bitch who does not know shit about anything other than how to apply make-up and how to look flirty.(Many Malays seem to have this sort of thinking set in their mind) So wrong. I know some of these people who are hot n are scoring straight A's.(Jealous la ni....)

*If thay wear tudung/scarves, they are a very pious or quiet person who does not know how to have fun. This is also a wrong perception. A lot of my friends wear tudung, and sometimes I wear it also, and these friends are among the wackiest people I've ever met. :D Oh yeah, and I realised that even though some people wear tudung, they're bitchier than those stereotype bitches and you just feel like slapping them in the head.

*Just because this girl looks like the quiet-quiet type, doesn't mean she really is. Take me, for instance...yes, I am quiet, but most people close to me know that I can talk a plant to death

*Just because some people smoke, it means they're evil...i know this is not true...but still...(see, I'm stereotyping!)

*If guys are dressed smartly n/or they are a fashion designer, they most definitely are gay. (I used to think this is true also *ashamed*) Some are, some aren't...some are just...effeminate.

We stereotype people everyday in everyway. Is our mindset ever gonna change? I don't think so...but do you realise that almost 100% of the time our perception of people will change when we get to know them better and most of the time, they are not the type of person we thought they were when we first laid our eyes on them? So the question is, why do we stereotype? Aren't we all supposed to be unique with our own mind and way of thinking?

Guess we'll never know....until then, we'll keep on stereotyping people according to how they look and how they act. Didn't they say don't judge a book by it's cover? But do we ever listen? Noooooooo....

I dunno what else to write about...so I guess I'll write some more next time, when I have some more "brilliant" opinions of mine that I need to spill out....ttfn!

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