February 13, 2007

Valentine's blues

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day.


For someone like me, who's single and tak pernah got anything for Valentine's Day, it's quite annoying to see people (girls, especially) showing off the flowers and gifts that they got during Valentine's.

I bet tomorrow would be no different for them and for me.

Dah la just now during orientation, this one super-perky (who's perkiness almost exceeds Zara's teachers perkiness) Buddy, who basically are seniors who have been appointed to "babysit" us during orientation, asked me what I'll be doing tomorrow.

I was blur for like two seconds, and when I caught what she meant, I said, "Ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm". Let her come to her own conclusions.

Again I say, Whoopee.

But seriously, why is this one day more special than the other 364 days in the year? What, it's the day to make us singletons feel sorry for ourselves, is it?

I'm gonna go into a corner and wallow now.

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