August 1, 2008

A poke at life. Literally.

I took that picture while I was getting my 3rd jab for the cervical cancer vaccine last night. How morbid right? I remembered talking about the jabs a few months ago.

I don't know why, but yesterday's jab was SO PAINFUL!!!!!!!!!!

. I actually gasped when the needle went in.

My arm is still sore now, after almost 24 hours!!! Worse than last time okay. I couldn't sleep properly yesterday cause my arm was so sore! -_-

Oh well, I guess it's better to have a sore arm than going through the pain of cervical cancer.

Oh, and my cat finally gave birth today!

We were all so worried cause her tummy was so big, she could barely walk these past few weeks. -__-

I was so worried that had she not given birth by the end of the week, I would have taken her to the vet and ask if there was something wrong with her.

Thank God she burst!

And we found out the reason why her tummy was so big cause she gave birth to SIX kittens.



That means that from having just one cat back in February, i now have ELEVEN cats. -__-

And as much as I love them, I know I have to give most of them away. =(

So sad. I don't want to part with them.

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