September 22, 2008

I've been thinking...

...and I realise that once I start thinking, I'm quite scary.

Seriously. I should never be allowed to think so much. I tend to think of nonsense.

So anyways, there was one night last weekend when I really couldn't sleep cause it was too hot, and since I had too much time to myself lying in bed, I suddenly thought of what I want to do to indulge myself.

And, no surprise, I thought of sending myself to London to watch an Arsenal match!!! =D

Not in the near future, mind you. I still have to save money. Like seriously. So I'm giving myself two years to come up with the funds I need. Hahaha. 24 months.

I've decided that if I seriously want to go to London to watch Arsenal play, I'll have to start saving some part of my monthly allowance without fail every month into my ASB account so that I wont be tempted to use the money (cause it's so bloody tedious to take out money from the ASB account).

I told my parents that I want to do this. And my mum was quite supportive, but my dad had this sort of suspicious look in his eyes like he's not agreeing on me doing this. And I felt like saying to him, "Papa, you got married at 22. Can't I go travelling alone at 22?"


Yeah, so again, my impulsiveness has gotten the better of me. Only this time around, I have a (somewhat tentative) plan to actually act on my impulsive desires. Hahahahaha.

I can't believe I'm actually excited at the prospect of saving money. And this coming from someone who always sees her account's balance dropping to zero at the end of each month without knowing where the money has disappeared to. -_-

God, it would take all of my willpower to actually start putting money into my ASB account and not spend it.

I think the greatest joy that I will get at the end of the two years (if i do get there!) is knowing that I have managed to resist all temptations to spend my money and being able to save enough money to go to London on my own, without my parents help. Hahaha. Total independence. Yay!

Pray for me, yea! =)



  1. Alia Boleh! Yeahh! Hey save some money for my oleh oleh too. ;)

  2. heyyy i wish u luck!! maybe i cn save money n go there too!! :p

  3. awww.. good luck dear!

    and lol at your response to your dad, haha~



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