September 12, 2006

Yesterday (September 11th) was my mum birthday, so we went out for a birthday dinner. I ate so much that I couldn't breathe afterwards....I feel so fat...note to self, never overindulge again. Fat, fat, fat. *groans and sulks* While eating and celebrating, though, I couldn't help but be drawn back to the infamous WTC attack 5 years ago.

5 years ago, on September 11, 2001, my mum was celebrating her 40th birthday in bed as she had just given birth to my youngest sister, Zara, 8 days earlier. My dad bought a new TV as a birthday gift for my mum as she is confined to bed after a somewhat complicated labour. After huffing and puffing, and some groaning, moaning and whining, my sister and I managed to bring the TV up into my mum's bedroom and turned it on for her. Imagine my mum's shock when the first thing she saw after turning on the TV was the sight of planes crashing into the WTC buildings. Yep, suffice to say, none of us could ever forget that fateful day when the US of A's facade of invincibility literally crumbled to the ground as the world was exposed to America's vulnerability. Ever heard the expression "Life begins at 40?". It's ironic right that on the day my mum's life was supposed to begin, almost 3000 people died in the attack. But to me, the 9/11 attack was only the tip of the iceberg. Look at the aftermath.

Yeah, the USA might be a safer place now, but what about the rest of the world? The London, Madrid and Bali bombings, the senseless murders everywhere else, makes me think that the world is becoming more unsafe with everyday that goes by.

Sorry if I'm a bit emo. But enough about that. I still want to look at the world through rose-tinted glasses. Yeah, I still like to think that there are some good people out there....but hey, that's just me.

On a lighter, but nevertheless serious, note, i can't believe that there was a freaking TWENTY car pile-up last weekend on the highway. How did something like that happen? Oh my God....Thank God I have never tailgaited anyone. What's even more amazing is the fact that NO ONE was injured. Wow. But still, TWENTY?????????? That's just mad! Malaysians.

IELTS results are coming out on Friday!!! I can't wait to get and pick it up and get it over with!

I'm off to watch TV!

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