May 17, 2010

I'm sick.

I haven't been this sick since I was doing my internship in January.

And it didn't help that yesterday I went to watch two movies and was freezing to death both times.

And that when I got home from the movies it was pouring cats and dogs.

Yeah, I was basically inviting the flu to come and strike me.

But it's not so bad. I guess that being a doctor's daughter has it's advantages since we have all sorts of medicine at home. Lol.

Oh, speakign of doctors, my dad was on radio today! =D

He was on BFM talking about high blood pressure and hypertension.

Not surprising, considering that my dad is the president of the Malaysia Society of Hypertension. Lol.

And I think it's appropriate that he should be talking about this on the Business station since most businesspeople in general are at risk of getting heart diseases.

It still feels weird to hear my dad on radio although he has done a couple of these interviews on radio over the years.

Oh yeah, the boyfriend told me that one of our friends has to go for surgery today cause he was horribly injured when he played football last week.

I hope everything's gonna go well for him. Surgery means it's serious. =(

I need to go and take a short nap now. The meds are kicking in.

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