May 14, 2010

Pet peeves.

Alia's number one pet peeve: People showing-off.

I really don't like it when people show-off. It's really annoying.

Like there's this girl in my class who looks so snobbish and is so rude in class. It's annoying cause the way she looks at you is like she's so above everyone else.

I just realised that everytime lecture she and her friend will sit together and talk their mouths off.

Eh, hello, if you wanna spend the whole bloody hour chit-chatting, just please don't come for class. Some people are really trying to learn here.

And I realised it wasn't just me who is annoyed with her. Liyana is too.

There was even one point in tutorial last week where she couldn't concentrate cause this girl and her friend were talking so loudly it that she lost track of what our lecturer was saying.

Granted, person, you might be smart, but the truth is, the rest of us in the class are, too.

But we don't have that perpetual bitch-face that you have on because we couldn't care less how other people look at us or think about us.

So please stop looking down on us cause I'm pretty confident that my grades are as good as yours.

Yeah yeah. I can see that after the end of each class you're trying to show the rest of the class how good you are cause you go up to the lecturer and ask him some questions but please la, you can go for consultation in his room okay.

And it's not like the rest of us need to ask questions anyways. We just listen to the lecturer.

And I am your senior. Most of the subjects you're doing now, I've done last year, so take that smug look off your face and just sod it, okay?

God I feel so spiteful. It's like I'm back in high school. Gah.

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