May 15, 2010

Plants vs Zombies.

I have come to the realisation that I want to have a big family just cause it's fun.

Sitting around the dinner table when there are 8 of us can be really chaotic because everyone will be trying to talk to one another at the same time. And we laugh about the silliest stuffs.

And having three sisters aged 14 and below keeps me in touch with my inner child (as if I need to be anymore childish than I already am).

Like yesterday, while waiting for the boyfriend to pick me up, I was teaching my sisters how to play the Plants vs Zombies game that Nat gave to me in the external hard drive last month.

And we were ended up screaming and jumping cause the zombies were coming up fast but the plants weren't killing them fast enough. Lol.

Yeah, if I were to try doing that with people around my age (except for Nat cause she was the one who gave me the game in the first place!), they would just look at me weirdly.

So having a big family is nice. Sometimes it's a nuisance, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh, I need to go prevent more zombies from coming to my house.


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