March 26, 2008

Random facts

Got this from KB =) :

6 random facts about yours truly:

1. I am embarrassed of my long name
  • In school it was inevitable for people to know my full name but nowadays I just go by the name of Alia Azani. School friends still know me as Alia Arwina, though, since last time my name tag in school ALWAYS says Alia Arwina. Most of my Monash friends don't know my full name, and when they do find out, they'll be like, "Panjang gila nama". It's not that I don't want people to know my name, i think it's just embarrassing (and quite pointless, actually) to say "Hi, my name's Alia Arwina Izyani Azani". They'll never be able to pronounce it anyways. Figures why Nat and Zaty still call me Weener after all these years. I wonder how I'm gonna get married if the guy can't pronounce my name properly.

2. I like to reverse park
  • Whenever possible, I try to reverse park. I think like 90% of the time when I have to park my car, I'll reverse park because it's so much easier to get out of the parking spot later. I tend to amuse my friends with my insistence on reverse parking.

3. I have a soft-spot for guys who love kids
  • I dunno why. I just feel like they'll be good fathers if they like kids. And it shows that they're sensitive, too.

4. My favourite cartoon character is Cosmo from The Fairly Oddparents

  • It doesn't get any more random than this now, does it? =D I like him because he's soooo adorable.

5. I get very amused when people say I look unapproachable
  • I don't know why, but people are scared of me. I think I give out a first impression of being aloof, but it's just my shyness creeping in. A lot of people are shocked once they get to know me better because they find that I'm not that scary after all.

6. I don't recommend people watching sports with me
  • I really like to watch football, and I can be very noisy during matches. My mum can actually tell who's winning or losing just by listening to me shouting, screaming, moaning and groaning. Same goes when I watch F1.

I have to tag 6 people, but I'm only tagging two because everyone else either has been tagged or are too lazy to actually do anything. I'm tagging:
  • Ine
  • Zaty
Should be interesting. Haha.

1 comment:

  1. LOL funny post. miss ur quirky remarks. thank god 4 blogs!!



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