March 24, 2010


One day when I was actually paying attention to the newscaster on the radio (yes, I can be a mindless zombie while driving), I heard about the Irish Catholic Priests Sex Abuse. I got a bit intrigued cause apparently there was a major cover-up about the abuse by the Irish Catholic Church and I ended up reading THIS article about it.

And here's the really "interesting" (and sick, IMHO) part in the article:

In recent weeks, however, the scandal has reached the very top of the Irish Church hierarchy. Cardinal Sean Brady — Ireland's most senior Catholic — has faced calls to resign over his handling of the case of one of Ireland's most infamous pedophile priests. That's because in 1975, Brady had met with young people who had been abused by Father Brendan Smyth. The victims were asked to sign an oath of secrecy, promising not to reveal details of an investigation into Smyth's actions. Brady did not contact the police after the meetings, and Smyth went on to abuse dozens more Irish children before being convicted of 90 offenses against children some 20 years later. Some of those abused by Smyth claim other victims committed suicide because of the abuse.
What the hell is wrong with these people I don't even know.

Oh yes, the world is becoming very twisted.

Like how Anis's orthodontist, Dr. Shafeeq said the other day "If you want to read depressing news, just buy a newspaper".

How true is that. And sad to think that these things always happen to children. ='(

Is it so hard to ask for a safe world for children?

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