April 9, 2010

Post 330.

At the dinner table yesterday my siblings and I were randomly taking about Glee and we were talking about the songs that they sing, like this one:

And then Anis said something to the younger siblings that was like a total stab to my heart:

Kakya and I are so old that we actually know the original Thong Song. And we used to watch the video on MTV.

It hurtsssssss.

It's just beginning to sink in that I'm no longer 21, and Anis uttering those lines was like putting a nail on the coffin. -______-

Thanks so much Anis.

But seriously, who watches MTV anymore? Youtube's so much better. Lol.

Oh, by the way, I was looking up some journals about urban poverty in Malaysia and how it has affected the crime rate in Malaysia and whether there are data on the number of urban poor in Malaysia based on the races. I couldn't find the race-based urban poor data even though I spent the better half of three days searching for them. Haih.

BUT, I did find one journal article that I find somewhat....interesting.

I was reading through a journal article and then the first thing I saw was this:

Kuala LUMPA?


Once I saw that I knew it was gonna be irritated by the article.

Sad to say, I was right.

I mean, the contents were good, but the grammatical and spelling errors made me cringe.

I mean, in some of the sentences there weren't even any punctuation marks. Seriously. -_-

I felt like I was re-doing my SPM and IELTS exam where they give a sentence/paragraph and you're supposed to see where the punctuation marks go or which words were spelt wrongly. It's like the Spell-Check on Microsoft Word was turned off.

Haih. I don't want to be so condascending, but when you're an academician, shouldn't you at least be concerned with where your punctuation marks are?

I mean, let me give a simple example that Wani always use to teach Zara on the importance of using punctuation marks.

See, without the right punctuation marks, the sentence "Let's eat, Grandma!" will become:

"Let's eat Grandma!!!!"

So yes, I think punctuation marks are important in scholarly journals.

But maybe not so much in text messages. Lol.

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